Custom branding images are your first, and most important, way of connecting with your customers. They let you tell your story the way you want it told. They let you show your customers the type, and quality of the products you produce.
Professional images tell -thousand-word stories, and, they're flexible. We can produce the images you want and need for the way you intend to use them. Need images for print products? Check. Need images for your website? Check. Need images for social media posts? Check. Each of these uses requires a slightly different treatment, but we can help you decide what you need, and why, and then create it for you.
Why STONEFIELD? Well, for one, we communicate…really. That’s the other side of listening. Making sure that clients know what to expect, coordinating the planning and execution of projects, and merely keeping them informed regarding the status of projects is KEY to making sure everyone is comfortable and satisfied doing business with us.
$750 (plus tax)
-10 images.
-Useful for web, social media, and print.
-Average session is about 1 hr.
-Location depends on your needs, but should fit your advertising goals.
-Does not include studio access.
*A $250 non-refundable deposit is required to book the session and is applicable to the total price.
Click CONTACT to get started.
$2450 (plus tax)
-40 images.
-Useful for website, social media, and print.
-Suitable for company profiles, internal and external marketing, brochure development, media and marketing campaigns.
-Average session is two-three hours.
-Location negotiable, but should mesh with your marketing and campaign goals.
-Does not include location or studio rental.
*A $500 non-refundable deposit is required to book the session and is applicable to the total price.
Click CONTACT to get started.
The standard packages may not fit your vision. I get it. Or, the structure and operations of your business may not fit neatly into a package either.
If you feel that your needs are more extensive, that you need more and different locations, or simply want to discuss what you have in mind, then contact us for a consultation.
Click CONTACT to get started.
Q: What are the different types of "branding" products that STONEFIELD can create for me?
A: We specialize in imagery...but that's pretty broad. In simple terms, we can create photos and video of people, places, and things, that support how you want your business, and you, to be seen by the world. That could be posed headshots, photos of the products you produce or sell, menu items, pics of employees doing their jobs, images of your office or storefront, or...whatever.
Q: What would I use the images for?
A: Branding images can be used for signage, brochures, web sites, social media, business cards, pamphlets, e-commerce, or anything you want to use them for. But, each of these applications requires that images have different specifications. We'll make sure you get the right products for the way you intend to use them.
Q: Does STONEFIELD only create still images?
A: Short answer: No. We do many other things. We produce video products as well, and short GIF images, suitable for social media, web site posting, email campaigns, etc. Contact us to discuss the specifics of what you have in mind.
We also manage social media accounts on behalf of our clients. Imagine this:
You work with STONEFIELD to clarify what your brand is all about, and how you want to be perceived. Then STONEFIELD:
-creates images to suit your needs, on a regular basis.
-posts images, on an agreed-upon schedule.
-keeps you up to date on site stats, inbound customer communications, and anything else relevant to you.
-You get back to doing what you're good at, and leave the social media marketing to us.
Q: What do I have to do to start the process?
A: We have some packages detailed on this page that cover some of the more common business needs. If one of them works for you, just use the contact page (left side of this page) and let us know what you need and when you need it.
If the packages don't address what you think you and your business need, then use the contact form (left) to get in touch so we can start a conversation, and come up with a solution that meets your needs and budget.
Q: When can I expect to have the images?
A: That'll depend on what you want, and how many, which will dictate the amount of post production work that'll be necessary. Regardless, we'll talk about this before the shoot, so that you know what you can expect regarding delivery of the product.
Q: What if I don't like the images?
A: That's always a possibility, I suppose. That's where our professional ethics will come in. It's pretty important that you walk away happy with the product, and working with me. I aim to under promise and over deliver. If you find that you're not satisfied, contact us as soon as possible. We'll do whatever we reasonably can to make sure you either walk away smiling, or at least feeling like you were treated respectfully, professionally, and fairly.