
Folks who are not in the business hear “product photography,” and say “oh, OK, you take pictures of stuff,” while they think “how hard can that be?” Folks in photography know that it can be plenty tough. Items need to be perfect versions of whatever they are, perfectly illuminated and perfectly exposed, with perfect color and sharpness. OK. All good.

But, above and beyond that, they need to do or say something to the person who might want them. They need to aim at the target market for whom they were created. And, just as importantly, the images of them need to speak about the creators of the product; who they are and what their values are. And perhaps mostly subtlety, they need to say something about the photographer, their style, and their way of doing business.

The first step in succeeding in all these things is, IMHO, understanding the brand that produced the products. Who are they, what do they do, how do they do it, what do they believe, and why do they do it? That’s square one. 

From there, it’s essential to know what’s being offered, to whom, and why. I’ll talk more about this in later writings.

Next, is the formulation of a compelling statement, look, feel, and call to action that encapsulates all of the above. We call this a campaign. I’ve been working on campaign ideas for brands that I appreciate, like Tivoli Audio. One of those is below.

I’d like to offer that same sense of understanding, formulation, and targeting for businesses in the Kitsap region. Their products (including foods) are their livelihoods. Be that a detailing shop in Bremerton, or a donut shot in Port Orchard, Poulsbo pizza, or Kingston kung pao. Give me a call and we’ll drill down into your campaign.

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